Rigorous research that has the potential to improve practice in drug courts is being generated at a steady rate from a variety of fields, including addiction science, substance abuse treatment, and studies of adult drug courts themselves, The purpose of the Drug Court Research-to-Practice (R2P) project is to promote the timely dissemination of the most relevant information derived from this growing body of research in a manner that is easily understandable by and relevant to practitioners and policy-makers.
The initial topics addressed by the project are described below:

Drug courts are a relatively scarce and expensive resource that should be used judiciously. Given this fact, who should go to a drug court and who should not? Should all drug offenders go to a drug court? If not, how should the cases of offenders who don’t go to the drug court be handled? What factors should influence the selection of a target population for a particular drug court? A webinar is planned to discuss these and other related questions using the most current research available.Read more...
The Role of Medication
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) entails the use of medications, along with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. This module aims to provide drug courts with information about the nature of the disease of addiction and how MAT can be used to improve drug court outcomes. Read more...
Effective Substance Abuse Treatment
While an essential premise underlying the 10 Key Components of Adult Drug Courts, the elements constituting effective substance abuse treatment are not widely understood by many drug court practitioners, regardless of their professional discipline. This module will provide a framework for drug court practitioners to assess the degree to which their treatment components reflect these elements and research on effective behavioral interventions. Read more...
Drug Court Cost-Efficiency Analysis: Methods and Findings
Want to learn more about: what is cost efficiency analysis, how should drug court costs be calculated; what benefits are associated with drug court and what are their dollar values; how should costs and benefits be compared; what do we know about the cost efficiency of adult drug courts and how can drug courts use the results of cost efficiency analyses effectively? Over the next hour, you will hear from a distinguished panel of experts as they outline each of these questions, provide snapshots of the research to answer these questions, and provide you with the necessary tools to improve your adult drug court program. .Read more...
Aftercare and Relapse Prevention
As noted in the 10 Key Components of Adult Drug Courts, drug courts should accept that participants will on occasion relapse to substance abuse during the course of their participation, particularly if they are clinically diagnosed as substance dependent or addicted. This module will address issues on relapse prevention.Read more...
Seven Program Design Features
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) have identified seven evidence-based program design features that effective drug courts should utilize. Beginning in 2011, BJA began evaluation drug court grant funding application using these seven design features as criteria. Read More…Read more...